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The following Terms and Conditions apply to all lesson agreements made between The Music Hub Academy (“TMHA”) and its pupils and the parents / carers of its pupils (“the pupil”).


The Terms and Conditions described below may seem relatively strict but have been discussed at length amongst the THMA team with the endeavour of making them as fair as possible for both client and provider. As TMHA is a social enterprise that functions with minimal margins, such lines in the sand have had to be drawn and are not a reflection of how awesome the majority of TMHA Families are. They are a reflection of the small margin of people that have taken advantage and never paid for services rendered that jeopardise the livelihood of our tutors and managers. We try to approach each individual case in good faith with an open ear and we hope that you will also approach us in the same manner. There will be times that the terms and conditions are more in favour of TMHA but there are also other times that they are more in favour of the student/caregiver.


  1. Term Dates 

        1a.​ Teaching weeks at TMHA roughly adhere to the Victoria State Government School Terms. However, there are occasional differences and our term dates are sent out before every term begins. 

        1b.​ At all times it is the responsibility of the pupil to be aware of the first and last dates of term at THMA.


  1. Communications 

        2a.​ All correspondence is sent out to the pupil by email. If this causes a problem, please let TMHA know. 

        2b.​ It is the responsibility of the pupil to make TMHA aware of any changes to their contact details. TMHA will not be held responsible for any missed communications, late / overdue payments, missed lessons, etc. if this is due to incorrect contact information. 

        2c​. Due to the size of our student roll, most of TMHA’s communication is done via bulk delivery services e.g. mail merge, therefore there is a level of potential error associated with this. If you notice something incorrect e.g. lesson details or account details, it is not meant offensively. In these cases please let us know via email to so we can rectify the situation as soon as possible.



  1. Timetabling of Lessons 

        3a.​ The pupil will be informed of the lesson day, time and the date of their first lesson before their teaching commences, either by phone, in person or by email. TMHA will aim to confirm all the lesson details by email, but does not guarantee that this will be the case if it deems sufficient confirmation has been provided by other means.

        3b.​ Site-based lessons - if the agreed lesson times or days need to be changed, the pupil will be contacted as far in advance as possible and alternative arrangements will be made to continue the lessons at times and days that suit the pupil and TMHA.


  1. Absences 

    4a.​ Individual lessons –

        4.a.i.​ If the pupil is unable to attend a lesson please let TMHA know at the earliest time possible, either by email to You are welcome to make direct contact with the tutors as well if you choose to.

         4.a.ii.​ Where less than 24-hours’ notice is given for missing a lesson no catch-up lesson or credit will be given. This lesson is considered forfeited. 

        4.a.iii.​ Where at least 24-hours’ notice of the intended absence is given, this is deemed an “explained absence.” 

        4.a.iv.​ Your or your child’s TMHA tutor will arrange a replacement/catch-up lessons for up to two lessons per term for explained absences with you at a mutually agreeable time. This often happens in the form of an extra 30minutes on your next lesson or an extra 15minutes on top of your next two lessons or if this isn’t possible with the tutors schedule, they will choose a day or two during the first week of the term break to provide this lesson. 

        4.a.v.​ TMHA tutors are trained to go above and beyond to help work these replacement/catch up lesson timings out with you, however If you decide that you would prefer to not have this, this lesson is considered forfeited.

        Please note the onus is on the caregiver/parent to jointly work with their tutor to

find a mutually beneficial time. The tutors are instructed to diligently help in this

so please let the main office know if you feel this is not happening.​ It is only by managerial discretion that customer credit is placed on a pupils account to the value of a missed lesson. Customer credit is not transferable for money but will be used at the earliest convenience - usually the next term’s fees.

    4b.​ Tutor Absences – 

        4.b.i. ​If the pupil's tutor is unavailable to teach, TMHA will attempt to arrange a cover tutor and give you as much notice as possible. 

        4.b.ii.​ If this is not possible, the pupil’s normal tutor will arrange catch up lessons with the pupil as stipulated in 4.a.iii. 

        4.b.iii.​ A tutor’s absence is not counted as one of the two explained absences per term but as an additional replacement/catch up lesson owed.

    4c.​ Unavoidable cancellations –

         4.c.i.​ If TMHA cancels any lessons due to events out of its control, customer credit may be given at the discretion of TMHA management. 

        4.c.ii. ​TMHA diligently attempts to exclude all events planned by the school that conflict with lessons at the start of each term. However we appreciate any parent who notifies us of events that may have been not communicated by the school. 

        4.c.iii. ​If a school cancels TMHA's teaching due to events out of TMHA's control (sports days / school trips / etc.) the week of that event, It is not TMHA's responsibility to make itself aware of any such event, due to what is stipulated in 4.d.ii.

    4e.​ Ongoing absences – 

        4.e.i. ​If a pupil will be absent for more than three weeks due to medical reasons, a credit may be given, at the discretion of TMHA management.


  1. Duration of the Lesson Agreement​ ​- ongoing 

        5a. ​The lesson agreement between TMHA and the pupil is a rolling agreement that continues into each new term and new year. 

        5b.​ The pupils are emailed their invoices at the start of each term in respect of the following term’s lessons, until a cancellation notice is received, as discussed below.


6. Cancelling the Lesson Agreement – the must pupil opt out of the Lesson Agreement with TMHA

        6a.​ If the pupil wishes to cancel the lesson agreement with TMHA, written notice must be received by TMHA Management at least two weeks prior to the intended last lesson. Any lessons remaining after the end date will be credited to the pupil's account if payment has already been made.

        6b.​ Verbal notice given to the tutor will not be acted upon and is not considered sufficient unless confirmed in writing to TMHA main office by the pupil. 

        6c.​ If the pupil is unable to give two weeks’ notice, they will be charged a late notice fee equivalent to two weeks of lessons (or if only one week’s notice is given, a late notice fee equivalent to the cost of one week’s lessons will be charged).

        6d.​ Exceptions on medical grounds may be made to this as decided by TMHA management. 

        6e.​ If TMHA has to cancel a lesson agreement it will endeavour to give two weeks’ notice to the pupil. Any lessons remaining after the lessons’ end date will be credited to the pupil's account if payment has already been made. 

        6g.​ If, in exceptional circumstances, TMHA has to cancel the pupil's lesson due to damage of TMHA property or harassment of TMHA staff by the pupil, this may be done with no notice and no credit or refund for any outstanding lessons.


7. Payments at TMHA’s Office – 46 Smith Street, Melton, Victoria Please note, the office is not always staffed, so check in advance to ensure payments can be accepted.

        10a.​ An EFTPOS machine is available for processing EFTPOS, VISA and MasterCard payments. 

        10b. ​CREDIT CARD details can be phoned through for to our office on – 0422 700 620 or email us and TMHA will contact you.

        10c.​ CASH payments may be made in person – but are discouraged for the safety of our pupils, tutors and admin team.


  1. Tuition Fees and Accounting 

        8a​. TMHA tutors CANNOT accept payments in any form. 

        8b.​ TMHA starts following up term fees with an assumption of good faith that it is an unintentional mistake. 

         8c.​ Full payment must be received before the end of the second week of term starts, unless an agreed instalment plan has been put into place. 

        8d.​ TMHA’s bank details are – ANZ Account number –BAS 013723 Account No 418456961. Please use the surname of the guardian that is the main point of contact with us and the invoice number (found at the top of the TMHA invoice) as a reference. 

        8e.​ TMHA prefers online / Internet banking payments. 

        8f. ​New pupils will receive an invoice when their enrolment is processed.

        8g.​ If the pupil commences lessons part way through a term, the remainder of that term will be billed in full and payment must be received.

         8h.​ Weekly, fortnightly or monthly plans covering the full amount of the invoice can be set up via TMHA management. 

        8i.​ A discount of 10% will be applied to all lessons where three or more lessons / activities are attached to a single family record on the TMHA database. This discount will not be applied retrospectively for any lessons already billed. 

        8j.​ Penalties for late payments will be applied as per the below.


  1. Penalties 

    9a.​ Overdue accounts can accrue penalties of $10 by the due date on the invoice.

        9.a.i.​ LATE PAYMENT Penalties will be added to accounts that are 28 days in arrears. If the account remains overdue, further penalties will be added every 14 days. 

        9.a.ii.​ Late Penalty charges are made up of two parts - $10 late fee and $20 administration cost.

    9b.​ TMHA does reserve the right to temporarily and fully suspend pupils from lessons with unpaid term fees during term time. A temporary suspension means that TMHA will keep the lesson timeslot available for the pupil in the hopes that payment will be made. A full suspension means that TMHA has the right to fill the pupils lesson time slot with another pupil from the waitlist.


    9c.​ Debt Collection details. 

        9.c.i.​ Payments more than 30 days in arrear may be handed over to Credit Consultants Group for debt collection.

         9.c.ii. ​TMHA will attempt numerous contacts prior to resorting to this unfortunate measure. 

        9.c.iii.​ All costs incurred for sending an account for debt collection are added to the pupil’s outstanding balance.


  1. Photography & Filming 

        12a.​ TMHA may use film or still photographs of students for appropriate promotional purposes. 

        12b.​ You (or your parents if you are under 18 years of age) must inform TMHA in writing at anytime if you will not allow the use of such images.


  1. Changes to the Terms and Conditions 

        13a.​ The Terms and Conditions described above are agreed to upon enrollment and may be changed at any point by TMHA without providing notice to the pupil. A copy of the Terms and Conditions will always be available on our website and may be emailed to the pupil on request.


Contact Details


For all general enquiries E:

For all absence notifications E: ​ or the teacher.

For all resources queries - workbooks/instrument purchase E: ​

For all GT site based tuition enquiries E: ​

For all term fees related queries E: ​


To find us on facebook F: 

To call us Ph: 0422 700 620 

Store Location 46 Smith St Melton VIC 3337 

Please note our main office is only staffed from 2pm- until late Monday to Friday and 9am-2pm Saturday.

Opening Hours
Monday-Friday 12:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm 

School Holidays
Monday to Friday 12pm to 4pm

Ph: (03) 9747 9085

Mob: 0422 700 620


ABN: 94 363 695 140

46 Smith St, Melton VIC 3337

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© Copyright The Music Hub Academy 2021

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